Daniel Janse Van Antwerpen Powderhorn?

I recently saw someone share their family powder horn that they had restored which was amazing. And, then I stumbled across this image of a powder horn at the New York Historical Society Museum and Library! They believe it’s the oldest one ever found and survived the Massacre in Schenectady because it was on the farm 8 miles outside the city.

Powder Horn: The Van Antwerpen (FW-144), with Carving Unfurled and a Map Vignette of Albany, New York –
1887 – https://emuseum.nyhistory.org/objects/1616/powder-horn-the-van-antwerpen-fw144-with-carving-unfurl?ctx=f66df15acb6ca888ceda11a5a65e669f0596f865&idx=0